Equity represents
the difference between the assets and the liabilities of a business. On the balance sheet, “Total Assets” minus
“Total Liabilities” equals “Net Equity.”
Quite a few types of equity accounts exist on balance sheets.
corporations issue “common stock,” which is the most basic form of ownership of
a corporation. Stock equity may also be
referred to as “Paid-In Capital” on a corporate balance sheet. Some balance sheets include an “Additional
Paid-In Capital” account as well, representing excess funds invested in stock
over and above its arbitrary “par value.”
If a
corporation subsequently purchases some of its stock back from shareholders,
the amounts paid in these transactions are booked as “Treasury Stock.” Treasury stock will, therefore, have a
negative balance as an equity account.
Other forms
of business ownership may use somewhat different terminology than this;
however, all businesses will have “retained earnings,” which simply represent
the sum of all of their profits and losses for all periods.
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